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About Us

Diana Brittain Thompson headshot

Betty is an honored and award winning educational leader, brings experience, expertise and a strong positive philosophy to Dramatic Adventures, Inc. She holds a doctorate in educational administration, specialist and master’s degrees in guidance and counseling, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology and psychology.


Betty has served as a librarian, teacher, vice principal, counselor, principal and system wide curriculum coordinator in Clayton County near Atlanta, Georgia. She has authored numerous educational materials including The WHY Manual, that offers techniques to include games as learning tools to increase language fluency,

psychomotor development as well as math and science skills. Alice Matures in Wonderland teaches life skills.


As a school administrator, Betty created a two-year award winning Staff Development Program in reading, writing and thinking. As a consultant, she used behavioral self-control techniques to modify aggressive behavior of elementary students. She launched “Playground Learning”, an educational products and consulting firm. Betty has taught many parenting workshops as well as college-level psychology.Dr. Brittain is a member of the American Psychological Association. 

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